Carson Miller

Very little is known about Carson Miller’s early life before his enlistment in the United States Army. Carson was born in 1834. On May 30th, 1864, he joined the United States Army, enlisting in Company L of the 45th Regiment of the United States Colored Troops. After being reorganized into Company H, Miller became a member of the Color Guard, assigned to protect the regiment’s Flag.  Carson was injured attempting to protect the flag, not from Confederate Soldiers, but strong winds. While crossing a bridge on an especially gusty day, Carson fell hard on his back attempting to prevent the flag from blowing away. After being treated at a field hospital in Virginia, Carson rejoined his company, where he would spend the rest of the war. Carson was honorably discharged in Boonsville, Texas after the end of the war on November 4th, 1865. Post-war he moved to Pennsylvania, living in Greencastle, Carlisle and North Middleton, working as a farmer. Unfortunately Miller’s back injuries as well as kidney disease hobbled Miller for the rest of his life.The date of his death and his current buryial locations are currently unknown.

Geographic Connection(s) to Cumberland County

Enlistment Location

Date of Enlistment
