Mahon, Irwin

Birth and Part History of the American Flag

Striking and magnificent as our country is in its peculiar attitude and rapid growth, presenting at one view the combined ideas of ability to resist the strong, and power to defend the weak, it is scarcely less majestic than beautiful, and in attempting to convey to you in language befitting some of the important facts connected with its early history, and the birth of its flag, would seem little less absurd, than...

A New Castle in a New World

Our Commonwealth possesses no richer treasure than the fair fame of her children. In the revolutions of empires, the present institutions of our land may perish, and new ones, perhaps more perfect, may arise; but the glory of our national existence cannot pass away, so long as the names of those who, in it, enlarged the boundaries of knowledge, gave tone to its morals, framed its laws, or fought its battles, ate remembered with gratitude.