Samuel Blunston and Blunston Licenses
By the early 1730s the proprietaries (Thomas, John, and Richard Penn) had decided to expand the colony’s western border across the Susquehanna River as far as the present day Kittochtinny Mountains.
By the early 1730s the proprietaries (Thomas, John, and Richard Penn) had decided to expand the colony’s western border across the Susquehanna River as far as the present day Kittochtinny Mountains.
North and South Middleton Townships received a charter of incorporation in 1810 dividing what was originally Middleton Township.1 This area in the twenty-first century is composed of residential and commercial interests and a few farms.
Passageways evolve out of topography and out of the general location of the area with reference to destinations. For about seventy miles the Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania extends southwestward from the Susquehanna River across from Harrisburg to the Potomac River in Maryland.