
Halloween Customs

Children in Halloween Costumes

All Hallow’s Eve--the night when witches and hobgoblins supposedly walk abroad. What began in the 1860s as a night of boyish pranks evolved into a county-wide celebration of parties, parades and fun.

Old Market Houses of Carlisle, Pa.

At first like other towns in their incipient state, the people of Carlisle, may have largely depended on their own yards and gardens and out-lots for the supply of their wants with occasional visits by meat dealers and country people. Every family raised something both for summer and winter consumption, and “killing time,” or “butchering time,” as it was generally called, which occurred late in the Fall, after the corn and potatoes had all been housed, was always a season of great plenty, when many a well-fed steer and hog had to yield its life, and its flesh was prepared for future use.

Old Court Houses of Carlisle, Pa.

In preparing the following sketches and reminiscences of our former public buildings, in addition to old papers, we have carefully consulted several of our aged and best informed citizens in regard to the latter, both the have our own recollections confirmed or rectified, so far as they go back, and to secure assistance in reaching the truth where our own recollections were faint and unsatisfactory.
