
Lenore E. Flower

Lenore E. Flower, notable genealogist and suffragette, was born on November 8th, 1883. The daughter of Mary Elizabeth Dunbar and Milton Embick, Lenore grew up in Boiling Springs. She studied writing and history at Irving College, an all-girls college located in Mechanicsburg.

Focus on the Collections: Library Archives: John S. Steckbeck Collection

In 2008, the daughters of John S. Steckbeck donated his research collection to the Cumberland County Historical Society. Steckbeck was a professor of physical education at Dickinson College from 1946-1955. He was also a backfield coach, track coach, swim coach, and a trainer for the college. When he was not busy with sporting events, he spent his time with music.

Bobbe Fornwalt

Interview of Bobbe Fornwalt for the Elizabeth V. and George F. Gardner Digital Library. Fornwalt discusses her grandfather Clarence Smith the first band director of the Carlisle High School.

Forty-four in Forty Three: To War

ln 1943 February 17 dawn found a hundred or more students shivering in overcoat and muffler weather as they stood about at the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot in Carlisle. About two score were going to war. Half a century later those who survived could recall only Whit Bell from the faculty, but Ralph Schecter must have been there as well, for the single cheerful element that morning was his Dickinson College band.

Forty-Three Baltimore Street

The history of a remarkable African-American family in Pennsylvania begins, in a sense, with a two-story frame house at 43 Baltimore Street in Carlisle. The builders of the house, Jonas and Mary Kee, came into Pennsylvania in the mid-nineteenth century from Maryland and Virginia respectively. Their daughter, Margaret, married William James Andrews, whose forebears were in Shippensburg as early as 1790. The Andrews were the second generation to inhabit the house.

Benjamin Franklin

Intellectually, Benjamin Franklin was a very gifted person, with only a few years of academic schooling, he was a self-taught individual. Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, one of ten children of a soap and candle maker.

George H. Frazer

Obituary Tuesday 10/22/1907 pg. 4 in the Evening Sentinel. Served in the 1st Regimenent of the United States Colored Troops, and was a longtime resident of Carlilse. Frazer was a member of the local AME church, and had a wife and seven children. 

Frederick Douglass in Carlisle

Transcriptions of newspaper articles by Mark W Podvia and Joan McBride. On April 7, 1893, the Evening Sentinel reported that Frederick Douglass was making his first visit to Carlisle when he addressed the students at the Carlisle Indian School. His presence at the school was also subsequently reported in the school's publication, The Indian Helper, on April14, 1893 and April21, 1893.
